Herefordshire: An Emerging Music County July 16, 2020 Hereford and its satellite towns have a rooted cultural identity in music with an extensive and inspiring music history that can oftentimes be overlooked…
Foxxglove – City (Review) April 2, 2020 Foxxglove is Cardiff’s Ffion Murray and while her hardworking gig ethic has built her a loyal and reliable audience locally, her debut single City…
Live Nation announces relief fund for venues effected by COVID 19 crisis. April 2, 2020 International live music company Live Nation has launched a global relief fund campaign to help raise money for music venues and touring crews disrupted…
James Herron – Counting The Days EP (Review) April 1, 2020 James Herron is a multi-instrumentalist pop-punk aficionado, writing and performing stylistically engaging tunes across the pop-punk stratosphere, unapologetically and without reservation. Counting the Days…
Holding Absence – Gravity (Review) April 1, 2020 One of Cardiff’s most coveted treasures, post-hardcore outfit Holding Absence have rightfully earned and solidified their position not only as one of South Wales’…